Wednesday, October 19, 2011

October 6, 2011, Maui Thursday Part 1 "The Road to Hana"

Got up at 4:30 am this morning.  See what the time difference of 6 hours does?  That's okay, we were bright eyed and bushie tailed, all excited about our Pleasant Holiday road trip to Hana today.

The bus picked us up at our lodging at 7:30 am.  We were very lucky to get tour guide "Larry".  He was so knowledgable, names, dates and stories of the island.  I don't think anyone could have done a better. 

The bus was air conditioned, the seats were pretty comfortable and the windows were huge.
10-6-2011 6:47 am   We woke up to the view of another cruise ship!

10-6-2011 8:35 am  The Pleasant Holiday bus picked us up and we are on our way to the Road to Hana Maui.

10-6-2010  8:36 am  On our way to Kahului Maui we see where they are buning the sugar cane fields.  When a cane field is ready to harvest they cut off water for several weeks, then set the whole field on fire.  After the fire, they gather the canes and take it to be processed.  The fire burns the part they don't use and helps crystalize the sugar.  The sugar cane will come back for 5 years.  Then it is replanted.

10-6-2011 Our first comfort stop.

10-6-2011 Rainbow Eucalyptus Tree.

10-6-2011  Close up of the Rainbow Eucalyptus Tree.  This is exactly it's true color.

10-6-2011  On the Road to Hana with is Hwy. 36 and then 360.

10-6-2011 The Road to Hana.

10-6-2011 The Road to Hana.

10-6-2011 When Larry could stop the tour bus, he would let us out to take pictures.  All the people you see are not from our bus, there where was another bus plus random cars.  It was sometimes difficult to get a shot with out any people in the photo, which is what you really want.

10-6-2011 The Road to Hana

10-6-2011 Part of the system of fresh water from the mountains.

10-6-2011  This is Larry on the left.  He was such a good tour guide.



10-6-2011 Kaenae Church built in 1856, it survived the Tsunami of 1946.  It has 2 foot walls.  Wailua Maui.  (Thanks for remembering Carol)


10-6-2011 On the Road to Hana

10-6-2010  10:15 am On the Road to Hana.

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